Hello, is there anyone out there? With all of the galaxies in the Universe, is it possible that there is cognizant life somewhere else? Well, I can not answer that question for you, but I can offer you a great deal of information about galaxies so that you can make your own informed decision on the matter.
Our’s is a spiral galaxy. A spiral galaxy is shaped like a flat disk with a thicker bulge in the center. Bright spiral arms start from the center and then coil outward like a pinwheel. All spirals rotate very slowly. The Milky Way completes a single revolution once every 250 million years.
Most galaxies are billions of years old. The youngest known galaxy is 1 Zwicky 18. At an estimated age of a mere 500 million years, it is a babe in diapers compared to the Milky Way at 10-14 billion years, which is the average age of the known galaxies.
Scientists think that galaxy formation was led by dark matter. This invisible material clumped together and it attracted regular mass with its gravity, channeling material together into larger and larger collections. This process of matter accretion led to the first proto-galaxies.
The Canis Major Dwarf Galaxy is the closest galaxy to ours. It is actually contained within the Milky Way and only 42,000 light years form the galactic core.
In the links below you will find thousands of facts, figures, and images that will help you understand many things about galaxies in general and some specific types. Enjoy your reading.
- Youngest Galaxy Found
- How Do Large Galaxies Form?
- Spiral Galaxy NGC 2403
- Dark Matter Galaxy
- Solar System Galaxy Universe
- The Closest Galaxy to the Milky Way
- The Diameters of the Milky Way
- How Many Stars are in the Milky Way?
- How Many Stars are in Galaxies?
- How Many Planets are in the Milky Way?
- Most Distance Object Ever Seen
- Spiral Galaxy
- Galaxy Center
- Galaxy Pictures
- Quasars
- Intergalactic Space
- Local Group of Galaxies
- Andromeda Galaxy
- Planets in the Galaxy
- How Many Galaxies in the Universe?
- Sombrero Galaxy
- Elliptical Galaxy
- Irregular Galaxy
- Galaxy Groups
- Whirlpool Galaxy
- Galaxy Cluster
- Other Galaxies
- What is a Galaxy?
- Magellanic Clouds
- Galaxy Formation
- Small Magellanic Cloud
- Large Magellanic Cloud
- Superclusters
- Blazars
- Dwarf Galaxies
- Galaxy Collision
- Virgo Cluster
- Virgo Supercluster
- Comet Galaxy
- Ring Galaxy
- What is the Largest Galaxy?
- Great Attractor
- Galaxy Rotation
- Galaxy Evolution
- Distance to Andromeda
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- Galactic Plane
- Galactic Equator
- Galactic Alignment
- How Are Galaxies Named?
- Galaxy Core
- Starburst Galaxy
- Triangulum Galaxy
- How Many Galaxies Have We Discovered?
- Sagittarius A
- Barred Spiral Galaxy
- Galaxy Pics
- Galaxy Names
- Milky Way Galaxy
- Centaurus A
- What Galaxy is the Earth in?
- Spiral Galaxy Pictures
- Andromeda Galaxy Pictures
- Irregular Galaxy Pictures
- Elliptical Galaxy Pictures
- Hubble Photos of Galaxies
- What is a Quasar?
- What is the Name of our Galaxy?
- What Galaxy do we Live in?
- Triangulum Galaxy M33
- Types of Galaxies
- Closest Galaxy Discovered
- Wallpaper Star Formation in Nearby Galaxy
- Starburst Galaxy NGC 1313
- Galaxy Shapes