Mystery Solved: Breakdown of Russell Crowe’s UFO Video

Actor Russell Crowe made some waves this week when he claimed to have captured photos of a UFO outside the window of his office in Australia. It turns out it really was a UFO…. an Unidentified Floating Object, which has now been identified. Crowe’s office sits on a pier in Sydney’s Royal Botanic Gardens, and via Twitter, Crowe said that he and a friend set up camera to capture fruit bats flying over the Gardens. “Canon 5D, no flash, can’t be lense (sic) flare because it moves, camera is fixed,” and “The camera is on a balcony – not behind glass.”

But ParaBreakdown’s Phil Poling has now provided a breakdown of why Crowe’s UFO is most likely to be a series of long-exposure photos of a … wait for it … passing sailboat with a high mast.

Crowe’s footage is below:

13 Replies to “Mystery Solved: Breakdown of Russell Crowe’s UFO Video”

  1. In the first frame you can see the highlight beam and tail lights of the passing car on the road near the fence line, stretched in shape due to the long exposure. Then in the next couple of frames the moving red glow is the lens glint from the tail lights.
    He captured… a car.

  2. Always interresting to see how seemingly unimportant and left out information gives the clue to the answer. A meaningingful answer besides the “no ETees”, as that doesn’t identify the object.

    1.…too funny Wez, . It is so good to see scientists and/or affiliation to…w/a sense of humor. I adored the 1st Star-Trek series in the 1960’s which was the very best of them all. Capt Kirk in his Captains chair and Ensign Chekov at the helmsmen chair. Both not panicking but wanting to get the heck outta dodge. Was my visual good Wez? You take care… .

  3. Let’s start with first principles. Catching bats in a distant park with a telephoto lens and time-lapse photography in low light with a slow shutter speed? This is not the setup you’re looking for. Embiggenate that aperture!

  4. THIS IS A TRUE STORY! In 1974, Paradise Valley a suburb of Phoenix, Arizona. My sister and I had a UFO Experience. I was 7 years old and she was 9.

    In the fall of 1974 my sister and I were walking to school, it was around 4:00am and completely dark outside. The reason why we were walking to school so early is because in 1974 Paradise Valley was brand new, our new school “Arrowhead” was still being built, so “Indian Bend” had Double Sessions to accommodate all the children. First session was 5am-11am.

    We were walking to school and then we saw a huge golden pyramid floating in front of Shadow Mountain about 50 feet above the ground, right where this “water treatment plant” is located. It was massive 300 feet tall and 300 feet wide at least. I don’t have any memory of anything after that except a generic memory of going to school that day. I have an implant that is in my hand, a little black spot, under my skin. At the age of 7, that moment changed my life. I have been on a quest ever since to find out what that was. When you see the golden pyramid of The Illuminati, that would be the best way to describe the pyramid we saw. Here is a link to a documentary called “The UFO Experience”, there is video of this exact same pyramid in the film.

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