Today’s astrophoto is supplied by forum member andyschlei. It’s a great photo of M13, the great globular cluster in Hercules. The photo was taken using a C-11 telescope, with a total exposure time of 37.5 minutes.
You’ve heard about the dust devils on Mars, but they’re actually much larger than even tornadoes here on Earth. The Stars My Destination has some diagrams to show us a sense of scale.
Is it a star or a planet? Centauri Dreams has a story about a brown dwarf planet.
Now this is cool, Carl Zimmer is collecting images of science related tattoos. Show him your ink.
Have you heard? Queen guitarist Brian May turned in his PhD thesis in astrophysics… or was it astrology? Thanks to DaveP for the catch.
Did you know there are 13 telescopes perched atop Mauna Kea? Astroprof breaks them all down for us.
Sentient Developments has the transcript of a speech about the Fermi Paradox. Wondering where the aliens are gives a few clues about the future of humanity.
This past year saw some significant solar activity. This was especially true during the month…
In 2018, NASA mission planners selected the Jezero Crater as the future landing site of…
Getting places in space quickly has been the goal of propulsion research for a long…
Exomoons are a hot topic in the science community, as none have been confirmed with…
Astronomers have used JWST to weigh a galaxy in the early Universe, finding that it…
When a massive star dies as a supernova, it can leave behind a pulsar, a…