Mind-Bending View of a Solar Eclipse from the Stratosphere

Mind-Bending View of a Solar Eclipse from the Stratosphere

“The crown was deployed around the black disc of the New Moon . It looks like a disheveled silver hair and matted by the solar wind. Far to the left, the planet Venus throws diamond chips, but the absorption of the window hides other celestial body that must always shine in the night daylight. Twilight slides around, bathing the distant clouds in a soft orange glow.”

#Falcon7X's advanced pressurization system gives #eclipse2015 chasers the feeling they're barely over the tree tops.. pic.twitter.com/DmfL2HZK4M

#Falcon7X's advanced pressurization system gives #eclipse2015 chasers the feeling they're barely over the tree tops.. pic.twitter.com/DmfL2HZK4M