Matter is Going Into this Black Hole at 30% the Speed of Light

Matter is Going Into this Black Hole at 30% the Speed of Light

“We were able to follow an Earth-sized clump of matter for about a day, as it was pulled towards the black hole, accelerating to a third of the velocity of light before being swallowed up by the hole.” - Professor Ken Pounds, University of Leicester, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy.

“The galaxy we were observing with XMM-Newton has a 40 million solar mass black hole which is very bright and evidently well fed." - Professor Ken Pounds, University of Leicester, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy.


  • Royal Astronomical Society Press Release: "Matter Falling into a Black Hole at 30 Percent of the Speed of Light"

  • Research Paper: "An ultrafast inflow in the luminous Seyfert PG1211+143"

  • Universe Today's Guide To Space