This Video is Really Far!

Every day, I love bopping and jiving to the theme song for the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast. The song was written and recorded by George Hrab of Geologic Records. George also wrote a full-length version of the theme song, “Far,” as opposed to the 30-second condensed version we use for the daily podcast. Now, George has completely outdone himself by creating a music video, which is loads of fun to watch!

By the way, if you’re not listening the the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast every day, you are missing out on a very entertaining and informational podcast, created by people from all around the world! It’s an official International Year of Astronomy event, and its free, too, so what more could you ask for?

Thanks to George Hrab for sharing his talents with the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast! If you want to know the words to the song “Far,” they are posted below.

by George Hrab

You ponder the universe and a look comes ‘cross your face
You try to fathom distances of all the stuff in space
But you can’t wrap the bacon of your mind around the fig
Of all the terms required to describe how big is big

So let me get specific, and use words scientific
Go whip out your thesaurus, for this exacting chorus

This stuff is far, [it’s really far] this stuff is far far far away
We’re talkin’ far, [like über far] you can’t get there by car in a day
It’s super duper crazy far but not just pulsars quasars and stars
I mean it’s far, far, far, if there’s some doubt listen to us shout [THIS STUFF IS FAR]

I sense all the explosions going off inside your brain
As your mind gets blown by what I just did explain
Sorry if my words might drive you all insane
But that’s what happens when precision is your middle name

So with an exacting factor, like some sextant or protractor
Using details quite semantic, I’ll show how huge is this gigantic


…far too big to explain in any concise ways,
it might just have to take 365 days

I hope that I have offered up some technical assistance
And haven’t caused your ticker too much ventrical resistance
But you have got to listen and trust my insistence
That I am very accurately describing the distance


12 Replies to “This Video is Really Far!”

  1. “These aren’t the words that are sung here, just making sure you’re paying attention”


  2. Thanks so very much for featuring Geo. We’re FAR more delighted here at Geologic HQ than a small comment can convey!

    all best,
    Ms. Information for the Geologic Universe

  3. George Hrab and 365 days of Astronomy Podcast……..soFAR soGoooood!!!!!!!

    So keep up the good work!!

  4. Disappointing… From it’s description, I was anticipating lyrics that actually said something… You know, conveyed information. Like that rap piece the young lady did about the LHC. …Pretty jejune and redundant, really. Sorry my opinion’s negative, but that’s how I see it. Negative criticism is good if not taken personally. ;p

  5. I think the song is cool, but the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast when listened to one right after the other, gets a bit old and I keep wishing for the show to start.

    AstromonyCast, on the other hand, is just just right, I think. And I never tire of the intro and exit music. I have to admit I usually fall asleep every night listening to these podcasts. 365 is quite a jolt for every episode.

  6. Yes, the theme to the 365 Days of Astronomy podcast is a bit over the top. For times like that I have the Seek Forward function on my MP3 player.

    I usually listen to the intro about one podcast in four.

  7. The 365 Days podcast will soon (if not already) be available in a weekly download on iTunes, where you only hear the intro song once for seven episodes. This theme song is a case where you can’t please everyone… We’ve gotten emails from both sides, from saying “Enough already” to “I love hearing this everyday — it’s my favorite part!” So, the weekly download is a compromise.

  8. Nancy,

    This is off subject but what happened to the update of the Feb 11, WITU?

    Can’t find the answer

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