Moved Servers… Again

Hey everyone, just to let you know that we’ve gone ahead and moved Universe Today to a whole new server: Amazon’s giant cloud server. Apparently “Publisher of Universe Today” means that I’m constantly scrambling to make the technical infrastructure function; I’m going to change my title to “Webmaster”. The previous solution just wasn’t working out, with this mysterious “no available nodes” error. The administration interface for posting stories was even more frustrating, often becoming unusable. So, we moved again – I’m hoping you didn’t even notice. But I think you’ll feel a tremendous speed boost.

As always, please drop me an email at [email protected] if you experience any problems or notice any bugs.


11 Replies to “Moved Servers… Again”

  1. I went with their “Extra Large, Fast CPU” server, with 8 GB of RAM and 8 CPU cores. I ran some diagnostics, and it’s about 10 times faster for most of the administrative tasks I need to do. And with 8 cores, it could perform 8 of those administrative tasks simultaneously. So… it’s fast.

  2. Fraiser Caine, I think you’ve just single-handedly invented FTL travel!

    Look how fast this page loads!!

    And I haven’t even hit any asteroids while posting this!

  3. I did get occasionally annoyed by the “no available nodes” error. This is loading very quickly now.

    I’m also very happy for you as you now have a justifiable reason to give yourself a title that includes the word “master”.

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