When the Universe formed after the Big Bang, all we had was hydrogen. But through the process of fusion, these hydrogen atoms were crushed into heavier and heavier elements. Fusion gives us warmth and light from the Sun, destruction with fusion bombs, and might be a source of inexpensive energy. We’ll also look into the controversy of cold fusion.
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Slight correction, after big bang nucelosynthesis, the makeup of the universe by mass was: “75% of hydrogen-1, about 25% helium-4, about 0.01% of deuterium, trace (on the order of 10^?10) amounts of lithium and beryllium, and no other heavy elements.”
Another correction is that there is no “controversy” on cold fusion any more than on AGW, say. Been there, done that.
As always your conversations open doors and illuminate! Thank you for sharing your dialogue.