Help Support Universe Today

I’ve had several generous offers from readers wondering how they could donate money to help me maintain Universe Today; which, as you know is pretty much a labour of love. I’ve felt a little uncomfortable about the idea, but a few of you have been very persistent. 🙂

So, I’ve gone ahead and set up with Paypal so you can donate money to Universe Today. If you feel that this website and newsletter are of value to you, and you want to contribute, just click this link which will take you to a form where you can donate money with your credit card. Universe Today has always, and will always be free. This is totally voluntary, and I leave it up to you to contribute only if it’s something you want to do. Knowing me, I’ll probably just use additional funds to hire some additional writers.

Thanks for all your support and kindness, I really appreciate it.

Fraser Cain
Universe Today

P.S. People have also been wanting updated pictures of Chloe and Logan. Here’s Chloe with her favorite alien brainsucker hat.