James Webb Space Telescope’s Giant Sunshield Test Unit Unfurled First Time

10 years ago

GODDARD SPACE FLIGHT CENTER, MD - The huge Sunshield test unit for NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has been…

NASA Preps for Nail-biting Comet Flyby of Mars

10 years ago

As Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring inches closer to the Red Planet, NASA's taking steps to protect its fleet of orbiting…

Having Fun with the Equation of Time

10 years ago

If you’re like us, you might’ve looked at a globe of the Earth in elementary school long before the days…

Watch Live: ‘Mars’ Crew Emerges From Simulation After 120 Days

10 years ago

If you spent 120 days cooped up in a small habitat with six people, what's the first thing you'd want…

Astronaut Spots Violence Over Gaza, Asks What Extraterrestrials Would Think

10 years ago

From his perch aboard the International Space Station, Alexander Gerst took this photo this week and said he could spot…

Video: Warp Into A Star Nursery 3,000 Light Years Away

10 years ago

Zoom! This video brings you up close to a region where a bunch of stars are being born. This new…

Mapping Dark Matter 4.5 Billion Light-years Away

10 years ago

The Milky Way measures 100 to 120 thousand light-years across, a distance that defies imagination. But clusters of galaxies, which…

To Help Mars Rovers Phone Home, NASA Asks For Ideas To Close Looming Communications Gap

10 years ago

Remember during the government shutdown when it looked as though a NASA Mars mission would be delayed? Launch preparations continued…

Hubble Finds 3 (Relatively) Dry Exoplanets, Raising Questions About Water Outside The Solar System

10 years ago

Surprise! Three planets believed to be good candidates for having water vapor in their atmosphere actually have much lower quantities…