More Camelopardalids: Persistent Trains and that Satellite Fuel Dump Cloud

10 years ago

The first ever Camelopardalids Meteor Shower ended up being more of a drizzle than a shower, said astrophotographer John Chumack.…

Want to Measure the Distance to the Moon Yourself? Now You Can!

10 years ago

Astronomy is a discipline pursued at a distance. And yet, actually measuring that last word — distance — can be…

Observing Alert – Space Station ‘Marathon’ Starts This Week

10 years ago

What's your favorite satellite? For me it's the space station. Not only is it the brightest spacecraft in the sky, but…

Space Robot Fixes Itself, Takes Selfie As Funny Livetweet Happens On The Ground

10 years ago

In a thrilling demonstration of space robotics, today the Dextre "hand" replaced a malfunctioning camera on the station's Canadarm2 robotic arm.…

NASA’s Mars Landing Idea Will Take To The Air In June

10 years ago

So what does an agency like NASA do after making a daring new type of landing with the Mars Curiosity…

Why You Shouldn’t ‘Buy Real Estate’ On Neptune’s Moon Triton

10 years ago

Leaving aside the complications of space treaties, a new video lays out another case for why you wouldn't want to…

Zero G Living: Tough To Sustain, Harder To Study

10 years ago

Small populations make it really hard to do scientific studies, because the sample size may not be representative of the…

Seeing in Triplicate: Catching a Rare Triple Shadow Transit of Jupiter’s Moons

10 years ago

The planet Jupiter is always fascinating to watch. Not only do surface features pop in and out of existence on its…

Carnival of Space #355

10 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Mika McKinnon at the io9 Space blog. Click here to read Carnival…