Space Hoax, written by Paul Gillebaard, is the adventure filled sequel to his book Moon Hoax (read our review of…
After nearly four decades of of listening for for signs of life in the cosmos, astronomer Jill Tarter is one…
It might be a bad idea to get close to dead stars. Like a White Walker from Game of Thrones, this "cosmic…
What is it like to make contact with a 36-year old dormant spacecraft? “The intellectual side of you systematically goes…
One has never been spotted for sure in the wild jungle of strange stellar objects out there, but astronomers now…
It's oft-repeated that black holes are powerful gravity wells, because they represent a dense concentration of matter in one location.…
The exoplanet discoveries have been coming fast and furious this week, as astronomers announced a new set of curious worlds…
We all remember the lightsaber fight from Star Wars: A New Hope, yes? So you might be surprised to learn…
In any galaxy there are hundreds of X-ray binaries: systems consisting of a black hole capturing and heating material from…
It’s perhaps one of the most famous images in astronomy. The Hubble Ultra Deep Field displays nearly 10,000 galaxies across…