On December 14, 1972, at about 5:40 a.m. GMT, Apollo 17 astronaut Eugene Andrew "Gene" Cernan returned to the lunar…
47 Tucanae... the Coal Sack… Magellanic Clouds large and small… sure, it can be argued that the southern hemisphere sky…
As we anxiously await the arrival of a potentially rich new meteor shower this weekend, its parent comet, 209P/LINEAR, draws…
It's amazing what astronomers can figure out from afar, and this now might include whether a star ate a few…
We humans are busy creatures when it comes to exploring the solar system. This new graphic (which updates one from…
It's like a total solar eclipse -- without the Moon! Using a special hydrogen-alpha filter that completely blocks the Sun’s…
It's time to get ready for Mars, again! NASA has given the approval to begin construction on its 2016 mission,…
In what could become the world's first orbiting salad bar, NASA's Veggie experiment was initiated on May 8 after a successful (if…
Recently rumors have been flying that the BICEP2 results regarding the cosmic inflationary period may be invalid. It all started with…
When "nothing in our solar system can help us,” we need to "confront the reality of interstellar travel." So says…