Observatories around the world and in space have been honed-in on the center of our galaxy, looking for possible fireworks…
Facing sanctions from the United States government, a high-ranking Russian official took to Twitter today (April 29) to express his frustration,…
This timelapse of the lunar eclipse that took place April 15, 2014 will have you checking over your shoulder for…
This week's Virtual Star Party was a special 2-hour Saturday night version recorded as part of the Cosmoquest Hangoutathon. The…
Our stellar neighborhood just got a little busier ... and a little colder. A brown dwarf that's as frosty as…
While astronomers are trying to figure out which planets they find are habitable, there are a range of things to…
Fly me -- or my package -- to the Moon? "Anything is possible!" said astrophotographer Sebastien Lebrigand, via email to…
The images are pouring in. While most of North America slept this AM, Australians were treated to the very first…
This is very cute -- Curiosity's latest "selfie," a mosaic I assembled from about a dozen images acquired with the rover's Mars…
The Hubble Space Telescope was launched 24 years ago last week, and this newly released video is a birthday present…