Rosetta’s Philae Lander Snaps a Selfie

11 years ago

Philae is awake... and taking pictures! This image, acquired last night with the lander's CIVA (Comet nucleus Infrared and Visible…

Seeing Red: Spectacular Views of this Morning’s Total Lunar Eclipse

11 years ago

Did the Moon appear a little on crimson side to you last night? It’s not your imagination, but it was…

Handy! 3-D Printing Could Build Moon Bases And Improve Items Used In Space

11 years ago

Star Trek replicators, here we come. The European Space Agency has released a list of how 3-D printing could change…

Let’s Put a Sailboat on Titan

11 years ago

The large moons orbiting the gas giants in our solar system have been getting increasing attention in recent years. Titan,…

Why The Eclipse Forced A Shutdown Of Lunar Spacecraft’s Instruments

11 years ago

While people across North America marvelled at the blood-red moon early this morning, some NASA engineers had a different topic…

Is Saturn Making a New Moon?

11 years ago

Congratulations! It's a baby... moon? A bright clump spotted orbiting Saturn at the outermost edge of its A ring may…

The Search for Gravitational Waves: New Documentary About LIGO Premieres Soon

11 years ago

What happens when stars or black holes collide? Scientists have theorized that the energy released would disturb the very fabric…

How Do We Know the Moon Landing Isn’t Fake?

11 years ago

There's a conspiracy theory that astronauts never landed on the Moon. Is it all a conspiracy? Were the Moon landings…

Comet ISON Photo Contest Winners Rock the House!

11 years ago

Comet ISON's gone but positively not forgotten. The National Science Foundation today shared the results of their Comet ISON Photography…

Webcasts and Forecasts for Tonight’s Total Lunar Eclipse

11 years ago

Are you ready for some eclipse action? We’re now within 24 hours of the Moon reaching its ascending node along…