Weekly Space Hangout – January 24, 2014: LEGO Mars Rover & the Supernova We Missed in the Star Party!

11 years ago

Host: Fraser Cain Special Guests: Stephen Pakbaz, designer of the LEGO Mars Rover Kit, and Ray Sanders from CosmoQuest, who…

Double Vision! These ‘Twin’ Quasars Are Actually The Same Thing

11 years ago

Optical illusions are awesome. In the center of this image are what appear to be two quasars (or galaxies with…

‘Cosmic Flashlight’ Makes Gas Glow Like A Fluorescent Light Bulb

11 years ago

Funny how a single quasar can illuminate -- literally and figuratively -- some of the mysteries of the universe. From…

The Difficulties of Operating a Rover on Mars for 10 Years

11 years ago

Want to get an engineer excited? Give them a challenge. And the Opportunity rover has provided plenty of challenges in…

After A Long Nap, NEOWISE Springs Into Action With Asteroid Discoveries

11 years ago

If anything, NASA's asteroid-hunting spacecraft seems to be refreshed after going into forced hibernation for 2.5 years. In the first…

Nearby Brown Dwarf Captured in a Direct Image

11 years ago

A recent find announced by astronomers may go a long ways towards understanding a crucial “missing link” between planets and…

Universe Today Videos Are Now Available As Podcasts

11 years ago

As you've probably seen, we've been releasing our Guide to Space videos on Universe Today for the last 9 months…

Opportunity Discovers That Oldest Rocks Reveal Best Chance for Martian Life

11 years ago

After a decade of roving relentlessly on the Red Planet, NASA’s Opportunity rover discovered rocks that preserve the best evidence…

Sierra Nevada Dreamchaser Will Launch on First Orbital Flight Test in November 2016

11 years ago

Commercial space company Sierra Nevada Corporation and NASA announced plans today to launch an orbital test flight of the Dream…