Some Planet-like Kuiper Belt Objects Don’t Play “Nice”

11 years ago

The Kuiper belt — the region beyond the orbit of Neptune inhabited by a number of small bodies of rock…

What’s On The Far Side Of The Moon?

11 years ago

You probably know we only see one side of the Moon from the Earth. But for the majority of human…

Astronomers and Their Dobs: Paying a Twitter Tribute to John Dobson

11 years ago

12" of awesome Dobsonian love. Thanks #johndobson for the views! @universetoday @JPMajor— Scott MacNeill (@scottiemacneill) January 16, 2014 Amateur…

Nearby Brown Dwarf System May Harbor Closest Exoplanet to Earth

11 years ago

In 2012 astronomers announced the discovery of an Earth-like planet circling our nearest neighbor, Alpha Centauri B, a mere 4.3…

New Online Classes to Help You Learn More about the Universe

11 years ago

Roughly eighty percent of all the mass in the Universe is made of dark matter – a mysterious invisible substance…

A “MiniMoon” Seen Around the World

11 years ago

So, did last night’s Full Wolf Moon seem a bit tinier than usual? It was no illusion, as avid readers…

John Dobson, Inventor of the Popular Dobsonian Telescope, Dead at 98

11 years ago

The cosmos lost a good soul Wednesday. John Dobson, famous as the creator of the simple, low-cost Dobsonian telescope, passed…

China considers Manned Moon Landing following breakthrough Chang’e-3 mission success

11 years ago

Comparison of China’s Chang'e-3 unmanned lunar lander of 2013 vs. NASA’s Apollo manned lunar landing spacecraft of the 1960's and…

Hitch a Ride on the Next Mission to an Asteroid

11 years ago

NASA and the Planetary Society are teaming up to give everyone the opportunity tag along on the next mission to…

Three New Exoplanets Found In a Star Cluster

11 years ago

So far, just a handful of planets have been found orbiting stars in star clusters – and actually, astronomers weren’t…