Carnival of Space #336

11 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Joe Latrell at his Photos To Space blog. Click here to read Carnival…

Watch Gaia Go From Lab to Launch in Two Minutes

11 years ago

In the early pre-dawn hours on December 19, 2013, with a rumble and a roar, a Soyuz rocket blazed through…

See the Smallest Full Moon of 2014: It’s the “Return of the Mini-Moon”

11 years ago

 Last month, (and last year) we wrote about the visually smallest Full Moon of 2013. Now, in a followup  act, our…

LEDs: Light Pollution Solution or Night Sky Nemesis?

11 years ago

You may have noticed a change underway in your city lighting. High pressure sodium lights, with their familiar orange glow,…

What is on the Other Side of a Black Hole?

11 years ago

Picture an entire star collapsed down into a gravitational singularity. An object with so much mass, compressed so tightly, that…

Astrophotos: Venus at Inferior Conjunction

11 years ago

Venus has now gone from being that bright "star" you've been seeing around sunset to later this month being the…

Virtual Star Party – January 12, 2014: The Planetary Show!

11 years ago

Hosts: Fraser Cain(@fcain, @universetoday) and Scott Lewis(@baldastronomer) Astronomers: David Dickinson(@astroguyz) in Florida Mike Phillips in North Carolina Shahrin Ahmad(@shahgazer) in…

A Distant View of Janus, One of Saturn’s ‘Dancing Moons’

11 years ago

One of 62 moons discovered thus far orbiting giant Saturn, Janus is a 111-mile (179-km) -wide pockmarked potato composed of…

Private Cygnus Freighter Berths at Space Station with Huge Science Cargo and Ant Colony

11 years ago

With the Moon as a spectacular backdrop, an Orbital Sciences' Cygnus cargo spacecraft speeding at 17500 MPH on a landmark…

China’s Yutu Moon Rover and Chang’e-3 Lander – Gallery of New Images & 1st Earth Portrait

11 years ago

The Earth from the Moon - by Chang’e-3 on Christmas Day Lander camera snapped this image on Christmas Day 2013.…