HiRISE Spots Curiosity Rover and Tracks from Orbit

11 years ago

Amazing, the things a birds-eye view allows you to see. Here's a color image from the HiRISE camera on board…

Can You Help Wake Up a Spacecraft?

11 years ago

On January 20, 2014 it will be time for the snoozing Rosetta spacecraft to awaken from 31 months of hibernation.…

Millisecond Pulsar Discovered In Rare Triple Star System

11 years ago

If you’re looking for something truly unique, then check out the cosmic menage aux trois ferreted out by a team…

Stunning Astrophotos: Kilimanjaro at Night

11 years ago

You might find yourself humming Paul Simon's "Under African Skies" after seeing these stunning images! The World At Night photographer…

Chandra’s Verdict on the Demise of a Star: “Death by Black Hole”

11 years ago

This week, astronomers announced the detection of a rare event, a star being torn to shreds by a massive black…

Dark Sky Regulations Bring Zodiacal Light to Rhode Island Observatory

11 years ago

The result of sunlight reflected off fine particles of dust aligned along the plane of the Solar System, zodiacal light…

NASA: International Space Station Operations Extended to 2024

11 years ago

NASA announced today that the Obama administration has approved NASA's request for an extension of operations for the International Space…

Gravitational Lens Seen for the First Time in Gamma Rays

11 years ago

An exciting new discovery was unveiled early this week at the 223rd  meeting of the American Astronomical Society being held…

Is NASA Dead? Not Even Close.

11 years ago

If you're a frequent reader of Universe Today you know that, despite the end of the Shuttle program and the…