Lithopanspermia: How Earth May Have Seeded Life on Other Solar System Bodies

11 years ago

With the recent discovery that Europa has geysers, and therefore definitive proof of a liquid ocean, there’s a lot of…

Astrophotos: Geminid Meteor Shower Images from Around the World

11 years ago

It's always one of the most reliable of the annual meteor showers, however, this year the Geminids had to compete…

Spacewalk, Or Backup Valve? NASA Works The Space Station Cooling Problem

11 years ago

While Expedition 38 astronauts Rick Mastracchio and Michael Hopkins get their spacesuits and the Quest airlock ready in case they need…

Astronomy Cast Ep. 326: Atmospheric Dust

11 years ago

When you consider the hazards of spaceflight, it’s hard to get worked up about dust bunnies. And yet, atmospheric dust…

Our Phases of the Moon App is Free Today – December 16, 2013

11 years ago

If you're an iPhone/iPad user, you might be interested to know that we're giving away our Phases of the Moon…

Oh, the Places We’ve Been: 21 Spacecraft Trajectories Plotted in One Picture

11 years ago

Want to know the orbital paths where different spacecraft have traveled and where they are now? A great new infographic…

Tonight: The Rise of the 2013 “Mini-Moon”

11 years ago

  The final Full Moon of 2013 occurs tonight, and along with it comes something special: the most distant and visually…

Can Stars Collide?

11 years ago

Imagine a really bad day. Perhaps you’re imagining a day where the Sun crashes into another star, destroying most of…

Second Monkey Travels Safely To Space And Back, Iran Reports

11 years ago

Iran's space program reportedly launched its second monkey into space on a 15-minute flight on Saturday (Dec. 14). Reports from the…

Thousands Of Supermassive Black Holes Could Lurk In New X-Ray Data

11 years ago

Supermassive black holes likely are behind most of the nearly 100,000 new X-ray sources plotted by the Swift X-ray Telescope,…