New Project Aims To Improve Galaxy Simulation — And Help Us Understand More About The Universe

11 years ago

Galaxy modelling is complicated, and even more so when different computer models don't agree on how the factors come together.…

How People from Earth said “Hi” to a Passing Spacecraft

11 years ago

Um, something in my eye. This wonderful video details a what took place when the Jupiter-bound Juno spacecraft swung past…

Level Up! NASA’s Space Station Robot Getting ‘Climbing’ Legs

11 years ago

There was much excitement two years ago when the astronauts on space station unpackaged Robonaut 2 (or R2), which is…

How Much Radiation Would You Get During A Mars Mission?

11 years ago

While asking questions about habitability on Mars, one thing that scientists also need to consider is whether it's safe enough…

Mapping Molecular Clouds Changes Astronomers Outlook On Starbirth

11 years ago

It didn’t happen overnight. By studying the properties of giant molecular clouds in the Whirlpool Galaxy for several years with…

Curiosity Discovers Ancient Mars Lake Could Support Life

11 years ago

NASA’s Curiosity rover has discovered evidence that an ancient Martian lake had the right chemical ingredients that could have sustained…

And the Coldest Place on Earth Is …

11 years ago

What is the coldest place on Earth? Scientists say it’s a place so cold that ordinary mercury or alcohol thermometers…

See What the Moon Will Look Like in All of 2014 in Just 5 Minutes

11 years ago

Here's how the Moon will look to us on Earth during the entire year of 2014. Using data from the…

Astrophoto: Zodiacal Light at Dawn

11 years ago

Sometimes, if you are lucky, dawn comes before the dawn. The zodiacal light – or false dawn, as it is…

Astronomy Cast Ep. 325: Cold Fusion

11 years ago

The Universe is filled with hot fusion, in the cores of stars. And scientists have even been able to replicate…