How Do We Learn About An Alien Planet’s Size And Atmosphere?

11 years ago

The fun and challenge of exoplanet science is the planets are so far away and so tiny. Figuring out what…

How Far is Mars from Earth?

11 years ago

This article was originally published on Aug 10, 2012. We've updated it and added this cool new video! Sending spacecraft…

SpaceX SES-8 Flawlessly Beautiful Dec. 3 Launch – Photo and Video Gallery

11 years ago

CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, FL - The flawless blastoff of SpaceX’s next generation Falcon 9 rocket on Tuesday Dec.…

A Naked Eye Nova Erupts in Centaurus

11 years ago

If you live in the southern hemisphere, the southern sky constellation of Centaurus may look a little different to you…

Galaxy May Host ‘Death Spiral’ Of Two Black Holes Becoming One

11 years ago

Two black holes in the middle of a galaxy are gravitationally bound to each other and may be starting to…

Hoping Aliens are Hipsters Who Enjoy Vinyl

11 years ago

The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Video Archive JPL's venerable Ed Stone, the Project Scientist for the Voyager…

Speedy Particles Whip At Nearly The Speed Of Light In Earth’s Radiation Belts

11 years ago

The radiation-heavy Van Allen Belts around Earth contain particles that can move at almost the speed of light across vast…

Ready For Your Closeup, Ceres? NASA Spacecraft Gets Closer To Dwarf Planet

11 years ago

The next few years will be banner ones for learning about dwarf planets. While the high-profile New Horizons spacecraft zooms…

SpaceX Scores Spectacular Success Scorching Florida Sky with Next Gen Rocket

11 years ago

CAPE CANAVERAL AIR FORCE STATION, FL - SpaceX scored a spectacular launch success this evening (Dec. 3 ) when the…

Hubble Finds ‘Clear Signal’ of Water in 5 Exoplanet Atmospheres

11 years ago

For the first time, astronomers have found conclusive evidence of water in the hazy atmospheres of planets orbiting other stars.…