This Rover Could Hunt For Lunar Water And Oxygen In 2018

11 years ago

In 2018, NASA plans to go prospecting at the moon's south pole with a rover -- possibly, a version of…

A Self-Healing Satellite? Students Seek Your Funds To Launch Prototype

11 years ago

Imagine if your spacecraft was punctured and it could do the repair itself, without the need of you going outside…

What is the Universe Expanding Into?

11 years ago

Come on, admit it, you've had this question. “Since astronomers know that the Universe is expanding, what’s it expanding into?…

Curiosity Mars Rover Back in Action after Power Glitch

11 years ago

CAPE CANAVERAL, FL - NASA's car sized Curiosity Mars rover has resumed full science operations and driving following a six…

Forging Stars – Peering Into Starbirth and Death

11 years ago

Some 160,000 light years away towards the constellation of Dorado (the Swordfish), is an amazing area of starbirth and death.…

ISON Watch: A Post-Perihelion Viewing Guide

11 years ago

"ISON Lives!!!" "ISON R.I.P..." Those are just some of the possible headlines that we've wrestled with this week, as Comet…

Anybody Want A Peanut? New Model Shows Tasty Orbital Shapes In Milky Way’s Bulge

11 years ago

Remember that 3-D map of the Milky Way that postulated that the center of the galaxy is shaped like a…

Kepler May Go Planet-Hunting Again! Infographic Shows How That Would Work

11 years ago

The planet-seeking Kepler space telescope had to stop its primary mission this summer after the failure of a second of…

Astronauts To Chase Down Turkey Meal For Thanksgiving

11 years ago

Judging from the way those food packets are floating around, looks like the folks on the International Space Station will…