Jupiter Bound Juno snaps Dazzling Gallery of Planet Earth Portraits

11 years ago

Juno Portrait of Earth This false color composite shows more than half of Earth’s disk over the coast of Argentina…

ALMA Warms Up the View of the Coldest Place In the Universe

11 years ago

Where is the coldest place in the Universe? Right now, astronomers consider the “Boomerang Nebula” to have the honors. Located…

Weekly Space Hangout – October 25, 2013: Preventing Asteroids, More Comets, Worldview Balloon

11 years ago

So much space news, so little time. We had a great Weekly Space Hangout with several of our familiar space…

What If Earth Was Threatened by An Asteroid Strike? Astronaut Panel Brings Up Ideas To Search, Deflect These Threats

11 years ago

"If we get hit 20 years from now, that's not bad luck. That's stupidity." That's what former NASA astronaut Ed…

Changing the Paradigm: Exoplanet Interview with Dr. Sara Seager

11 years ago

Astronomers have now discovered one thousand extrasolar planets, reaching a milestone in modern astronomy. (See a recent Universe Today article…

Watch Live: Defending Earth from Asteroids

11 years ago

Live streaming video by Ustream We know that hundreds of thousands of asteroids orbit the Sun, and a very few…

What Caused The Spacesuit Leak? Astronauts Are Working To Hunt That Down

11 years ago

Here's the latest attempt to hunt down the water leak that aborted Luca Parmitano's spacewalk in July: two astronauts aboard…

Why Is Comet ISON Green?

11 years ago

Undoubtedly, you’ve been seeing the recent images of Comet ISON now that it is approaching its close encounter with the…

‘Light Echos’ Reveal Old, Bright Outbursts Near Milky Way’s Black Hole

11 years ago

How's that for a beacon? NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory has tracked down evidence of at least a couple of past…

Japanese ‘Space Cannon’ On Track For Aiming At An Asteroid: Reports

11 years ago

Watch out, asteroid 1999 JU3: you're being targeted. As several media reports reminded us, the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)'s…