India’s First Mars Mission Set to Blast off Seeking Methane Signature

11 years ago

India is gearing up for its first ever space undertaking to the Red Planet - dubbed the Mars Orbiter Mission,…

Hubble’s Latest View Shows Comet ISON Still Intact, Fairly Average

11 years ago

We’ve been showing images of Comet ISON from amateur astronomers around the world, but now that NASA is back from…

Topsy-Turvy Aurora Caught On Astronaut’s Camera

11 years ago

Isn't that aurora facing the wrong way? Not if you're in space! NASA astronaut Mike Hopkins tweeted this picture from…

An Incredible View of Saturn that Could Only Be Seen by a Visiting Spacecraft

11 years ago

So what did NASA do during the US government shutdown? You can't just turn off spacecraft that are operating millions…

Here’s A Nine-Billion-Year Old Gravitational Lens In Space

11 years ago

Here's a picture of what deflected light looks like from 9.4 billion years away. This is the most faraway "gravitational…

NASA Celebrates Return To Work, But Shutdown’s Shadow Could Linger

11 years ago

After 16 days off the job, most employees at NASA returned to work today (Oct. 17). The good news came…

How Will the Universe End?

11 years ago

The evidence that the Universe began with the Big Bang is very compelling. 13.8 billion years ago, the entire Universe…

ALMA Peers Into Giant Black Hole Jets

11 years ago

Did you ever wonder what it would be like to observe what happens to a galaxy near a black hole?…

Planet Aurora Astro-Bubble

11 years ago

How fun is this?! "Here's a panoramic image from the aurora on October 14," wrote Swedish astrophotographer Göran Strand. "I've…

This is the Moon, the Whole Moon and Nothing But the Moon

11 years ago

Take a look around the Moon... no, really, take a good look AROUND the Moon! This is a fantastic animation…