Future Supernova Is Surrounded By Hydrogen Clouds

11 years ago

The faint green glow you see in that picture is not an early harbringer of Hallowe'en spooks. It's hydrogen gas…

Carnival of Space #323

11 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Allen Versfeld at his Urban Astronomer blog. Click here to read Carnival…

Timelapse: Aurora Over Lake Michigan

11 years ago

According to photographer Shawn Malone form Michigan, the aurora this fall have already been “insane!” “We had a very strong…

Hexacopter Drone Watches SpaceX Grasshopper Take Highest Flight Yet

11 years ago

This is an absolutely awesome view of the latest test flight of the SpaceX Grasshopper. The footage is shot with…

This Week’s Penumbral Lunar Eclipse and the Astronomy of Columbus

11 years ago

You can always count on an eclipse to get you out of a delicate situation. Today is Columbus Day in…

Astronomers Stress the Need for Characterizing the Population of Nearby Potential Earth-Impactors

11 years ago

The meteor explosion over Russia in February 2013 raised concerns that even small asteroid impactors may wreak some havoc given…

Technicolor Auroras? A Reality Check

11 years ago

I shoot a lot of pictures of the northern lights. Just like the next photographer, I thrill to the striking…

Where Did the Earth’s Water Come From?

11 years ago

This question comes from Andrew Bumford and Steven Stormont. In a previous episode I’ve talked about how the entire Solar…

Virtual Star Party – October 13, 2013

11 years ago

We've got a pretty bright Moon, but that just means we've got another target for the Virtual Star Party. Tonight…

Giveaway: Win a Copy of “Five Billion Years of Solitude” by Lee Billings

11 years ago

A new book, “Five Billion Years of Solitude,” takes reader from the earliest SETI searches and discoveries in astrobiology to…