Detecting the Magnetic Fields of Exoplanets May Help Determine Habitability

11 years ago

Astronomers may soon be able to observe the shockwaves between the magnetic fields of exoplanets and the flow of particles…

Could Juno’s Path Near Earth Uncover A Flyby Mystery?

11 years ago

Every so often, engineers send a spacecraft in Earth's general direction to pick up a speed boost before heading elsewhere.…

Carnival of Space #322

11 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Brian Wang at his Next Big Future blog. Click here to read…

Penny For Your Martian Thoughts: This Is How A Coin Looks After 14 Months On The Red Planet

11 years ago

A high-power camera on the Mars Curiosity rover snapped a picture of a 1909 American penny featuring Abraham Lincoln. The…

Incredible Time Lapse Puts You Near Telescopes At Mauna Kea

11 years ago

An astronomy student at Mauna Kea Observatories in Hawaii took some time off from his work to share the experience…

A Tale of a Lost Moon: Hubble Spies Neptune’s Moons and Its Rings

11 years ago

"That's no moon..." -B. Kenobi But in this case, it is... a lost moon of Neptune not seen since its…

Observing Alert: Rare Triple Transit Of Jupiter’s Moons Happens Friday Night (Oct. 11-12)

11 years ago

Talk about a great fall lineup. Three of Jupiter's four brightest moons plan a rare show for telescopic observers on…

Book Review: ‘Five Billion Years of Solitude’ by Lee Billings

11 years ago

Over the past few years, the field of astrobiology has made great strides. With missions such as Kepler making exoplanet…

What Color is the Sun?

11 years ago

Ask anyone, “what color is the Sun”? and they’ll tell you the obvious answer: it’s yellow. But is it really?…