Virtual Star Party – October 6, 2013

11 years ago

Another wonderful Virtual Star Party, this time with 6 astronomers broadcasting their view of the night sky live. We had…

Awesome Photo: Aurora, Airglow, City Lights and Shining Stars

11 years ago

Italian astronaut Luca Parmitano shares a lot of fantastic photos taken from his privileged position 260 miles up aboard the…

LADEE Successfully Enters Lunar Orbit on Oct. 6 Amidst Government Shutdown

11 years ago

NASA’s LADEE lunar orbiter will fire its main engine on Oct. 6 to enter lunar orbit in the midst of…

Your Weekend Movie: Beyond The Visible: The Story of the Very Large Array

11 years ago

While some of you will no doubt be heading to the theaters to see the new release of "Gravity," for…

Virgin Galactic Ticket To Space Promised In New Reality Show Deal

11 years ago

Call it Space Survivor. Thirteen years after that now-classic desert island nightmare premiered on NBC, the executive producer behind Survivor is planning…

This Video of a Cyborg Quadriped Will Have You Gasping in Terror

11 years ago

This is both wonderful and terrifying. A DARPA-funded four-legged robot named WildCat is being developed by a company called Boston…

Yes, Elon Musk Really Does Say All This, Um … Awesome Stuff

11 years ago

One of the 'hot' memes these days are collections of sayings by various groups or persons, classified under the "S***…

Here’s Your Chance To Help Blend Earth And Mars Rocks

11 years ago

The organizers of the World Space Week Association are working to create an "Earth Master Sample", and they want your…

Double Star Fomalhaut May Actually Be A Triplet!

11 years ago

Fomalhaut is a really cool place to study. The naked-eye star (the brightest star in the constellation Piscis Austrinus) has a…

NASA’s MAVEN Mars orbiter granted ‘Emergency Exemption’ to Resume Processing during Government Shutdown

11 years ago

Technicians resumed spacecraft preparations for NASA’s MAVEN orbiter today (Oct. 3) aimed towards meeting the hoped for Nov. 18 launch…