SETI Researchers Just Got a $200 Million Gift to Search for Life

11 months ago

Among the many outstanding questions in science, ‘Are We Alone’ must be the one that captivates scientists and public alike. …

Gaia is so Accurate it Can Predict Microlensing Events

11 months ago

Using data from DR3, a team of Chinese researchers have predicted thousands of future microlensing events!

China Wants to Retrieve a Sample of Mars by 2028

11 months ago

In preparation for their sample-return mission to Mars (Tianwen-3), Chinese scientists have created an atmospheric model that accurately simulates Martian…

How Einstein Unlocked the Quantum Universe and Created the Photon

11 months ago

It started with a simple experiment that was all the rage in the early 20th century. And as is usually…

An Epic Collaboration Between Hubble and JWST

11 months ago

Hubble and Webb have come together to create one of the most detailed and revealing images of an iconic galaxy…

If You Account for the Laniakea Supercluster, The Hubble Tension Might Be Even Larger

11 months ago

When you measure the Universe's expansion rate to relatively nearby galaxies against the expansion rate in the cosmic microwave background…

How to Think About a Four-Dimensional Universe

11 months ago

In Einstein's famous theory of relativity the concepts of immutable space and time aren’t just put aside, they’re explicitly and…

NASA Wants to Learn to Live Off the Land on the Moon

11 months ago

In preparation for the upcoming Artemis missions to the lunar south pole, NASA recently solicited a Request for Information (RFI)…

ESA is Testing a Modular Multipurpose Rover that Could Be a Science Lab or a Tiny Bulldozer

11 months ago

Most rovers have been built for Mars, and each one of them is a complex machine designed with specific goals…

If We Could Find Them, Primordial Black Holes Would Explain a Lot About the Universe

11 months ago

As far as we know, black holes can only be formed by the death of massive stars, but a persistent…