How Amateur Astronomers Can Help LADEE

11 years ago

You can help NASA’s upcoming lunar mission. NASA’s Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) is slated to lift off from…

Astrophoto: Houston Super Moonrise

11 years ago

While we recently posted a huge batch of images from the recent "Super Moon," this new image from Sergio Garcia…

New Android App Makes it Easier to Use Your Phone While Stargazing

11 years ago

Ever have to take a call while stargazing, or do you use astronomical apps on your phone, only to have…

Another Exoplanet Hunting Mission Ends: CoRoT Spacecraft Can’t be Recovered

11 years ago

More bad news on the exoplanet-hunting front: While the final fate of the Kepler spacecraft remains unknown, the CoRoT (Convection,…

Discovery! More Planets Found Orbiting In A Star Cluster

11 years ago

As Earthlings, we're so used to thinking about planets being in simple orbits around a single star. But the Sun…

Astrophoto: Curtain of Crepuscular Rays at Dawn

11 years ago

Prolific astrophotographer and Australian astronomer Joseph Brimacombe captured this beautiful wide-field view of crepuscular rays from the Sun last week.…

China’s Shenzhou-10 Crew Returns to Earth

11 years ago

China successfully completed its longest human space mission as the Shenzhou-10 spacecraft and its crew of two men and one…

Podcast: Equilibrium in Space

11 years ago

So many of the forces in space depend on equilibrium, that point where forces perfectly balance out. It defines the…

Podcast: Death of a Spacecraft

11 years ago

In the end, everything dies, even plucky space robots. Today we examine the last days of a series of missions.…

Carnival of Space #307

11 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Stefan Lamoureux at the Links Through Space blog. Click here to read…