Lucy Completes its First Flyby… and Discovers a Bonus Asteroid

11 months ago

NASA’s Lucy mission hits the jackpot on its very first asteroid flyby this week.

ESA’s Hera Mission is Bringing Two Cubesats Along. They’ll Be Landing on Dimorphos

11 months ago

In about one year from now, the European Space Agency will launch its Hera mission. Its destination is the asteroid…

Jupiter Looks Bizarre in Hubble's New Ultraviolet Image

11 months ago

Jupiter has gone pastel! Check out this ultra-cool image of Jupiter taken by the Hubble Space Telescope. This is a…

Old Data from Kepler Turns Up A System with Seven Planets

11 months ago

NASA's Kepler mission ended in 2018 after more than nine years of fruitful planet-hunting. The space telescope discovered thousands of…

Comet H2 Lemmon Brightens in Early November Ahead of Expectations

11 months ago

Discovered early this year, Comet C/2023 H2 Lemmon may approach naked eye brightness in November.

A Dwarf Galaxy That's Almost All Dark Matter

11 months ago

Thanks to new techniques, astronomers are mapping the Universe with more precision, finding galaxies with more and less dark matter.…

Devastating Clouds of Dust Helped End the Reign of the Dinosaurs

11 months ago

When a giant meteor crashed into Earth 66 million years ago, the impact pulverized cubic kilometers of rock and blasted…

A Collapsed Martian Lava Chamber, Seen From Space

11 months ago

Lava tubes and chambers attract a lot of attention as potential sites for bases on the Moon and Mars. They…

Next Generation Gravitational Wave Observatories Could Detect 100-600 Solar Mass Black Hole Mergers

11 months ago

Humans are born wonderers. We're always wondering about the next valley over, the next horizon, what we'll understand next about…

White Dwarfs Could Support Life. So Where are All Their Planets?

11 months ago

Astronomers have found plenty of white dwarf stars surrounded by debris disks. Those disks are the remains of planets destroyed…