Timelapse Shows the Blazing Beauty of a ‘Ring of Fire’ Eclipse

11 years ago

Images and videos are still coming in from last week's spectacular annular eclipse of the Sun, seen across Australia and…

Astrophoto: Stonehenge, the Milky Way and an Eta Aquarids Meteor

11 years ago

Astrophotographer Peter Greig (St1nkyPete on Flickr) had always wanted to go to Stonehenge in Wiltshire, England, and chose to go…

Orion’s Secret Fire Dance

11 years ago

The Great Orion Nebula has captivated observers for at least four hundred years, but the ancient Mayans may have known…

Chris Hadfield’s 5-month Space Mission in 90 Seconds

11 years ago

Already missing him being in space? I've seen several tweets about people going through Hadfield withdrawal. But to tide you…

How to Plant a Garden on Mars — With a Robot

11 years ago

Editor's note: This guest post is written by Louisa Preston, an Astrobiologist and Planetary Geologist. She is a TED Fellow,…

Stunning Astrophotos Reveal the Importance of Dark Skies

11 years ago

The World at Night's (TWAN) annual Earth & Sky photography contest showcases the stunning beauty of the night sky while…

Mercury Shows Off Its Reds, Whites, and Blues

11 years ago

At first glance, the planet Mercury may bear a striking resemblance to our own Moon. True, both are heavily-cratered, airless…

Yet Another X-Class Flare From AR 1748

11 years ago

Last night, as Commander Hadfield and the Expedition 35 crew were returning to Earth in their Soyuz spacecraft, the Sun…

Hadfield, Marshburn and Romenko Return Safely to Earth

11 years ago

Coming home to clear blue skies, green grass and warm weather, the Expedition 35 crew of Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield,…

The Sun Blasts Out Two X-Class Flares, Strongest of the Year

11 years ago

The Sun gets active! On May 12, 2013, the Sun emitted what NASA called a “significant” solar flare, classified as…