Bright, Long-Lasting GRB Sets Energy Output Record

11 years ago

Last weekend (April 27, 2013), the Fermi and Swift spacecraft witnessed a “shockingly” bright burst of gamma rays from a…

The Rosy Remains of a Star’s Final Days

11 years ago

Stars like our Sun can last for a very long time (in human terms, anyway!) somewhere in the neighborhood of…

How Saturn’s Magnetic Activity Could Help us Pinpoint Time on the Ringed Planet

11 years ago

He's not even finished his first university degree yet, but Tim Kennelly is already part of a team that is altering…

This Week’s Best Space Photos – May 3, 2013

11 years ago

Here's our brand new infographic for this week's best space images. Feel free to share and re-post!

How to Steer the Space Station: Chris Hadfield Explains

11 years ago

Attitude and altitude are important factors for flying a spaceship. But How do you control the International Space Station, a…

A New View of Comet ISON

11 years ago

Update: Here's a brand new image of Comet C/2012 S1 ISON, as seen on May 2, 2013 by Ernesto Guido…

Astrophoto: Dramatic View of the Pipe Nebula

11 years ago

This dramatic shot of the dark and shadowy Pipe Nebula has an Instagram-like feel to it. But astrophotographer Martin Campbell…

Win a Blu-ray of NOVA’s “Earth From Space”

11 years ago

One of the most stunning compilations of satellite based images from space is a recent documentary from public television's NOVA…

Possible Meteorite Fragments from 1908 Tunguska Explosion Found

11 years ago

The 1908 explosion over the Tunguska region in Siberia has always been an enigma. While the leading theories of what…

Into Oblivion: What If the Earth Had No Moon?

11 years ago

AVAST gentle reader: mild SPOILER(S) and graphic depictions of shattered satellites ahead! We recently had a chance to catch Oblivion,…