Progress Cargo Ship Launches to Space Station

11 years ago

The Russian Progress 51 cargo craft launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan April 24, at 12:12 UTC (6:12 am…

Cosmic C.S.I.: Searching for the Origins of the Solar System in Two Grains of Sand

11 years ago

"The total number of stars in the Universe is larger than all the grains of sand on all the beaches…

Antares Maiden Soar Pierces Virginia Sky and delivers NASA SmartPhone Pioneer Nanosats to Orbit

11 years ago

The privately developed Antares rocket built by Orbital Sciences Corp. successfully blasted off on its maiden test flight from the…

Meteorite Crashes Through Roof of a House in Connecticut

11 years ago

A rock that crashed through a house in Connecticut last weekend has been confirmed to be a meteorite. Homeowner Larry…

Solar Powered Plane Soars Over the Golden Gate Bridge

11 years ago

The world’s first solar-powered plane is stretching its wings over the US. Today it took off from Moffett Field in…

Hubble Telescope Captures Image of Comet ISON

11 years ago

Here’s our first good look at Comet (C/2012 S1) ISON. The Hubble Space Telescope captured this shot on April 10,…

Bright Meteor Rocks Argentina Rock Concert

11 years ago

Talk about a light show! A massive bolide was captured on video during a middle-of-the-night rock concert in Argentina on…

Incredible Astrophoto: Space Station Flies Over Stonehenge

11 years ago

In a gorgeous mix of archeology and space exploration, photographer Tim Burgess captured a stunning view of the International Space…

A ‘Shallow’ Lunar Eclipse Coming on April 25

11 years ago

Eclipse season is upon us this week with the first eclipse of 2013, a brief partial lunar eclipse. The lunar…

Historic Comet Smashup Brought Water to Jupiter’s Stratosphere

11 years ago

A large comet that peppered Jupiter two decades ago brought water into the giant planet's atmosphere, according to new research…