A New Superconducting Camera can Resolve Single Photons

11 months ago

Researchers have built a superconducting camera with 400,000 pixels, which is so sensitive it can detect single photons. It comprises…

China Set Up a Tiny Farm on the Moon in 2019. How Did it Do?

11 months ago

China's Chang'e-4 mission grew the first plants on the Moon, and the results of the experiment could lead to lunar…

Uranus Has Infrared Auroras, Too

11 months ago

Just in time for Hallowe'en, astronomers confirmed the existence of spooky-looking infrared auroras on Uranus. Their existence reveals something about…

An Asteroid Came Uncomfortably Close to Earth in July. Could we Have Stopped it?

11 months ago

On July 15th, 2023, astronomers discovered an asteroid 43 meters across, two days before it passed within a quarter of…

Environmental Concerns Could Drive Asteroid Mining

11 months ago

Asteroid mining is one of those topics that sounds like it's straight out of science fiction. But, in recent years,…

China Showcases its Lunar Exploration Plans

11 months ago

In a recent bootlegged video, China provided a detailed look at their plans for the future of lunar exploration.

The Largest Simulation of the Universe Ever Made

11 months ago

It's about time to retire the old astronomy joke: "Define the Universe and give three examples." That's because recent simulations…

Misaligned Binary Star Systems are Rogue Planet Factories

11 months ago

Astronomers are discovering that free-floating, rogue planets are common in the Milky Way. Hundreds were recently found in the Orion…

A New Map Shows Where Mars is Hiding all its Ice

11 months ago

Water will be one of the most important resources for human explorers on Mars. They'll need it for drinking, propellant,…

JWST Sees Four Exoplanets in a Single System

11 months ago

When the JWST activated its penetrating infrared eyes in July 2022, it faced a massive wish-list of targets compiled by…