Spooky Experiment on ISS Could Pioneer New Quantum Communications Network

11 years ago

With its 180 degree views of Earth and space, the ISS's cupola is the perfect place for photography. But Austrian…

The Sun Doesn’t Cause Earthquakes

11 years ago

If that title seems like an obvious statement to you, it's ok... it seems pretty obvious to me too. But…

Soviet Lander Spotted by Mars Orbiter

11 years ago

On May 28, 1971, the Soviet Union launched the Mars 3 mission which, like its previously-launched and ill-fated sibling Mars…

AstroVideo: The Stars Over Teotihuacan, City of Gods

11 years ago

The ancient city of Teotihuacan, located about 48 kilometers (30 miles) from Mexico City, is the site of several pyramids…

Weekend Aurora Alert: The Sun Lets Loose an Earth-Directed CME

11 years ago

The Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this view as the Sun let loose with its biggest solar flare of the year…

Tell-tale Evidence of Bouncing Boulders on Mars

11 years ago

What are the types of things that happen on Mars when we’re not looking? Some things we’ll never know, but…

NASA Explains Their New Asteroid Retrieval Mission

11 years ago

NASA's FY2014 budget proposal includes a plan to robotically capture a small near-Earth asteroid and redirect it safely to a…

NASA Releases the 2014 “Tough Choices” Budget Proposal

11 years ago

NASA has released their budget proposal for 2014 and, as rumored, it includes funding for the preliminary work to begin…

Rain is Falling from Saturn’s Rings

11 years ago

Astronomers have known for years there was water in Saturn’s upper atmosphere, but they weren’t sure exactly where it was…

Comet PANSTARRS … Going … Going … Not Gone Yet!

11 years ago

It's falling out of the news but Comet PANSTARRS still lives! You can still see it in a clear sky…