NASA Trailer Achieves Crowdfunding Goal to Run Before Star Trek: Into Darkness

11 years ago

Here's one bit of NASA outreach that won't be affected by suspensions or sequesters: an edited version of "We Are…

Astronomers Watch as a Black Hole Eats a Rogue Planet

11 years ago

In Star Wars, the Millennium Falcon narrowly escaped being devoured by an exogorth (space slug) slumbering inside an asteroid crater.…

Night Sky Preview for April 2013

11 years ago

Here's a quick overview from Jane Houston Jones from JPL of what you can see in the night skies during…

The Man Who Sold The Moon … And Other ‘Lunarcy’

11 years ago

One man claims to own the moon. Another promises to create effective lunar habitats. And yet another, a former astronaut,…

MAVEN’s Magnetometer Will Look Back in Time

11 years ago

The next mission to the Red Planet, the Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (MAVEN) will be the first spacecraft ever…

Astronaut Photos Create a Map of the World

11 years ago

If you could spend a few months -- or even a few days -- living aboard the ISS, what would…

Astrophoto: Jungle Sunset

11 years ago

They say that perspective is everything. In this case perspective and filters are what makes this such a great astrophoto!…

How to Reconstruct the Life of a Star

11 years ago

It takes time to understand the life of stars. A star like our Sun takes tens of millions of years…

Comet Lemmon: A Preview Guide for April

11 years ago

As Comet 2011 L4 PanSTARRS moves out of the inner solar system, we’ve got another comet coming into view this…

Stunning Vistas: Comet PANSTARRS Meets the Aurora

11 years ago

I'm completely envious of this view! Not only is there a stunning winter vista of mountains and a fjord near…