This article comes from our archive, but we updated it with this video. Saturn is my absolute favorite object in…
In a somewhat surprise announcement, Canadian astronaut -- and social media icon -- Chris Hadfield announced his retirement from the…
Ever seen the arc of the Milky Way in daylight? Astrophotographer Miguel Claro came as close as possible by capturing…
The season for noctilucent "night-shining" clouds is arriving in the northern hemisphere, when wispy, glowing tendrils of high-altitude ice crystals…
If you've never seen Mercury, this week is a great time to try. Over the past few weeks, observers worldwide…
Back on June 11, 1930 three members of the American Meteor Society (AMS) in Maryland saw a half-hour-long bright outburst of meteors…
Observations of the kaboom that built our universe -- known as the Big Bang -- is better matching up with…
M31 and M33 are two of the nearest spiral galaxies, and can form the basis for determining distances to more remote…
This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Peter Lake at the AartScope blog. Click here to read Carnival of…
Here's a truly gorgeous image by astrophotographer Mick Hyde, a mosaic of NGC 7000 (the North American nebula) and the…