Live from 1969: Apollo 9 Returns Home

12 years ago

“On the success of Apollo 9 mission hangs the hope for future manned missions to the Moon,” said famous CBS…

WISE Nabs the Closest Brown Dwarfs Yet Discovered

12 years ago

We now know our stellar neighbors just a little better, and a new discovery may help tell us how common…

Astrophotos: Comet PANSTARRS Meets the Crescent Moon

12 years ago

Astrophotographers were out in force last night to try and capture Comet PANSTARRS (C/2011 L4 PANSTARRS) as it posed next…

Curiosity Discovers Environment Where Life Could have Thrived on Ancient Mars

12 years ago

After analyzing the first powder ever drilled from the interior of a Martian rock, NASA’s Curiosity rover discovered some of…

Comet PANSTARRS Stars in a New Timelapse Movie

12 years ago

NASA scientist Fred Espenak captured this wonderful timelapse video of Comet PANSTARRS as it set over the Dos Cabezas Mountains…

Saturn to Shed its Spooky Spokes for Summer

12 years ago

As Saturn steadily moves along its 29.7-year-long orbit toward summertime in its northern hemisphere NASA's Cassini spacecraft is along for…

Astrophotos: Beautiful Aurora Over Norway

12 years ago

Photographer Frank Olsen from Norway heads out almost nightly this time of year to regularly see and photograph what many…

How Mars Failures Helped the Curiosity Rover Land

12 years ago

Mars is a graveyard; a spot where many a spacecraft slammed into the surface or perhaps, burned up in the…

NASA’s KaBOOM Experimental Asteroid Radar Aims to Thwart Earth’s Kaboom

12 years ago

Over the past month, about a half dozen rather large asteroids have careened nearby our home planet and in one…

These are the Last Close-up Images of the Moon Rhea from Cassini

12 years ago

“Take a good, long, luxurious look at these sights from another world,” said Cassini Imaging Team Leader Carolyn Porco, “as…