The Moon is 40 Million Years Older Than We Thought

11 months ago

An object the size of Mars crashed into the Earth over 4 billion years ago, creating a cloud of debris…

“The Big One”: The Most Powerful Marsquake Ever Detected

11 months ago

A new paper in the Geophysical Research Letters explains how the largest recorded seismic event on Mars provided evidence for…

How Close is Too Close to a Kilonova?

11 months ago

Cataclysmic events happen in the Universe all the time. Black hole mergers, supernovae, gamma-ray bursts, and a whole host of…

A Kilonova Simulated in 3D

11 months ago

In 2017, astronomers detected gravitational waves from colliding neutron stars for the first time: a kilonova. Enormous amounts of heavy…

An Unusual Crater on Pluto Might be a Supervolcano

11 months ago

Pluto with a super-cryovolcano? Why not! All the elements are there, just not in the way we normally think of…

JWST Looks at the Debris Disc Around a White Dwarf

11 months ago

White dwarfs are the ultimate fate of stars like our Sun, and one of the most exciting examples is located…

Now Astronomers have Discovered “Ultra-Fast Radio Bursts” Lasting Millionths of a Second

11 months ago

A recent study published in Nature Astronomy examines the discovery of what astronomers are dubbing “ultra-fast radio bursts”, a new…

NASA Tests a 3D Printed Aluminum Rocket Nozzle

11 months ago

NASA recently test fired an engine that uses 3D-printed aluminum rocket nozzles, which could be a game changer for space…

A Russian Satellite Has Shifted Within 60 km of Another Spacecraft

11 months ago

When it comes to saber-rattling, few countries employ it as much as Russia does. During their ongoing invasion and occupation…

The Solar Wind Whistles as it Passes Mercury

11 months ago

The Mercury , part of the BepiColombo International Mercury Exploration Project, has revealed some interesting things about Mercury's magnetosphere.