Virtual Star Party for Feb. 3, 2013: Superbowl Sunday Edition

12 years ago

While Fraser was flying back from North Carolina, the Virtual Star Party Team came together for a rousing night of…

Less Than 1% of Exoplanet Systems Have Intelligent Life, Researchers Say

12 years ago

Recent findings say that Earth-like exoplanets could be all around us in our cosmic neighborhood. But how many would be…

Astronomy Without a Telescope Returns as E-Book: Win a Copy!

12 years ago

Longtime readers of Universe Today will remember the series "Astronomy Without a Telescope" written by the witty Steve Nerlich, who…

Captain Kirk Hails the Space Station

12 years ago

Ah, the nerdy joys of living in the 21st century! Chris Hadfield, an astronaut on board the International Space Station…

Mercury’s False Moon: The Mercury/Mars Planetary Conjunction this Weekend

12 years ago

[/caption] The history of astronomy is littered with astronomical objects in the solar system that have fallen to the wayside.…

Earthlike Exoplanets Are All Around Us

12 years ago

Artist's impression of a rocky planet orbiting a red dwarf. Credit: David A. Aguilar (CfA) We may literally be surrounded by…

Fly Over a Pristine Lunar Crater

12 years ago

Linné crater on the Moon is one of the youngest, most well-preserved lunar impact craters. This cone-shaped crater thought to…

Super Good at Collecting Data, Massive Science Balloon Breaks Records

12 years ago

Super-TIGER prepares for launch from Antarctica. NASA's Super-TIGER science balloon landed Friday at a frigid and remote base in Antarctica…

Space Generations: Gene Cernan Talks with ISS Crew

12 years ago

It was a feel-good moment in NASA's Mission Control in Houston: Apollo astronaut Gene Cernan dialed up the International Space…