NASA to BEAM Up Inflatable Space Station Module

12 years ago

More details have emerged on NASA’s plan to add the first commercial module to the International Space Station, an inflatable…

Sounds of the Space Station

12 years ago

CSA astronaut Chris Hadfield strums some chords in the cupola (NASA) You've probably seen plenty of photos of astronauts and…

Curiosity’s Rambling Tracks Visible from Mars Orbit

12 years ago

Look closely and see where the Curiosity rover has been roving about inside Gale Crater on Mars, from "Bradbury Landing"…

Space Station Gets a New Telescope

12 years ago

Astronauts on the International Space Station today are installing a new modified Celestron telescope. This won’t be used to observe…

Dark Nebula Hides Star Birth

12 years ago

Dark nebulas, or dark clouds in space are intriguing because they appear to be “holes” in the sky where there…

New South Pole Marker Honors Planets, Pluto, and Armstrong

12 years ago

The new geographic South Pole marker that stands at 90º S latitude. (Credit: Jeffrey Donenfeld) Because the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station…

About That ‘Flower’ on Mars….

12 years ago

The Curiosity rover is having a “field day” exploring the rocks in a shallow depression that scientists call ‘Yellowknife Bay,’…

A Hi-Res Mosaic of Mercury’s Crescent

12 years ago

A view of Mercury from MESSENGER's October 2008 flyby (NASA / JHUAPL / Gordan Ugarkovic) Every now and then a…

Absolutely Stunning 3-D View of a Cosmic Cloud

12 years ago

To call Finnish astrophotographer J-P Metsävainio a magician is definitely not an exaggeration! Take a look at his latest handiwork,…

Crescent Moon Photos from Around the World

12 years ago

For the past week or so, we've had either a waxing or waning crescent Moon (save for the New Moon…