What Craters on the Moon Teach Us About Earth

12 years ago

When the Moon was receiving its highest number of impacts, so was Earth. Credit: Dan Durda Some questions about our…

Watch Live Webcast of Asteroid Apophis Earth Flyby

12 years ago

Once again, the Slooh Space Camera team will host a live webcast of an asteroid flyby of Earth. This one…

The Orion Nebula as You’ve Never Seen it Before: Jaw-dropping New Image from Gemini

12 years ago

This is the part of the Orion nebula. Recognize it? You may not, as this stunning new image comes from…

Walk a Tightrope Across the Moon

12 years ago

A very creative and stunning use of perspective, timing and distance! BASE jumper Dean Potter walks a highline at Cathedral…

Carnival of Space #283

12 years ago

This week's Carnival of Space is hosted by Brian Wang at Next Big Future. Click here to read Carnival of…

Astronomy Cast Ep. 282: Seasons

12 years ago

Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. These are the seasons we experience here on Earth as our planet completes an orbit…

Astrophoto: Beautiful Electric Blue Pleiades

12 years ago

What a great shot of the Seven Sisters! M45, or the Pleiades is a cluster of stars that contains hundreds…

Clouds of Sand and Iron Swirl in a Failed Star’s Extreme Atmosphere

12 years ago

Artist's concept of brown dwarf  2MASSJ22282889-431026 (NASA/JPL-Caltech) The complex weather patterns within the atmosphere of a rapidly-rotating brown dwarf have been…

Astronomers Find a “Spine” Along Spiral Arms of the Milky Way

12 years ago

Astronomers have found what may be considered a piece of a galactic skeleton; a dark structure of gas and dust…

Chunks of Frozen Hydrocarbons May be Floating on Titan’s Lakes

12 years ago

The Cassini spacecraft has been getting some strange data from Saturn’s moon Titan, and scientists will soon test out whether…