How To Train for a Mission to the ISS: Eating in Space

12 years ago

Canadian astronaut Chris Hadfield (right)and NASA astronaut Tom Marshburn participate in a food tasting session in the Habitability and Environmental…

The Paranal and the Shadow of the Earth

12 years ago

This beautiful photo, taken by ESO photo ambassador Babak Tafreshi, shows the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope array and VISTA…

NASA Looks Towards Next Mission to the Moon

12 years ago

NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) Observatory sits beside a radio frequency antenna inside an enclosure that blocks…

Curiosity Inspects ‘Shaler’ Outcrop on Descent to Yellowknife Bay Drill Target – 2D/3D

12 years ago

Image caption: Sol 120 colorized panorama of big and stunning ‘Shaler’ layered rock outcrop snapped by Curiosity’s right eye Navigation…

Incredible Sky Show: Geminid Meteor Shower Images from Around the World

12 years ago

Geminids at Gates Pass. Composite image from 30 frames of video. Credit: Sean Parker The 2012 Geminid Meteor Shower has…

Asteroid Toutatis Tumbles in New Video from NASA

12 years ago

NASA has compiled the radar images taken of Asteroid Toutatis during its flyby of Earth this week to create a…

Apollo’s Final Footsteps, 40 years later

12 years ago

Will there come a time when we on Earth can look up at the Moon and know that people are…

Endgame: GRAIL Spacecraft to Slam into Lunar Crater Rim on December 17

12 years ago

The GRAIL mission will come to a dramatic end on Monday as the two spacecraft will be commanded to crash…

Podcast: Explosions in Space

12 years ago

We’ve all seen the classic science fiction space explosions, full of flames and loud sounds. Beautiful on the screen but,…

Geminid Meteor Shower Peaks Tonight

12 years ago

Winter Milky Way Geminids on December 12, 2012. Credit: John Chumack The Geminid Meteor Shower is underway, with the peak…