Vision of the Future? SLS Model “Flies” in Wind Tunnel Test

12 years ago

NASA's Space Launch System buffet model in NASA's Langley Researcher Center's Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. Image credit: NASA/LaRC This week, researchers…

Familiar Sci-Fi Faces Pitch NASA Spinoffs

12 years ago

Spinoffs have never been the primary reason for space exploration, but as NASA has done things that have never been…

Gigantic Plasma Jets Pour From the Heart of Hercules A

12 years ago

Combined Hubble (optical) and VLA (radio) images show enormous radio jets shooting out from the galaxy Hercules A Talk about…

Brown Dwarfs Might Host Planets Too

12 years ago

This image shows the brown dwarf ISO-Oph 102, or Rho-Oph 102, in the Rho Ophiuchi star-forming region. Its position is…

In the Shadow of the Moon: Experience a Solar Eclipse From 37 Kilometers Up

12 years ago

The Moon's shadow stretches over the Earth in this balloon-mounted camera view of the November 14 solar eclipse (Catalin Beldea,…

Everybody Chill, NASA Says: No Martian Organics Found

12 years ago

Curiosity maneuvering her robotic arm and conducting a close-up examination of windblown ‘Rocknest’ sand dune. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/Ken Kremer/Marco Di Lorenzo…

A Colorful and Unexpected Reversal at Titan

12 years ago

This artist's impression of Saturn's moon Titan shows the change in observed atmospheric effects before, during and after equinox in…

Water Ice and Organics Found at Mercury’s North Pole

12 years ago

A radar image of Mercury’s north polar region is shown superposed on a mosaic of MESSENGER images of the same…

Saturn’s Strange Hexagon – In Living Color!

12 years ago

Color-composite Cassini image of Saturn's northern hexagon (NASA/JPL/SSI/Jason Major) Cassini sure has been busy these past few days! After returning…

Full Moon and Friends, November 28, 2012

12 years ago

The full Moon rising with Jupiter and Aldebaran on November 28, 2012 in North Carolina, USA. Credit: Tavi Greiner. The…