An Ancient Martian Lake Was Larger Than Any Lake on Earth

1 month ago

The ESA's Mars Express orbiter captured an image of the remains of a vast ancient lake on Mars. The remnant…

Gaia Finds Hundreds of Asteroid Moons

1 month ago

The amazing Gaia mission to chart stars in the Milky Way Galaxy is also an expert asteroid hunter. Now, astronomers…

The JWST Reveals the Nature of Dust Around an Active Galactic Nuclei

1 month ago

Supermassive Black Holes (SMBHs) are located in the centers of large galaxies like ours. When they're actively feeding, they produce…

The Aftermath of Neutron Star Mergers

1 month ago

Neutron stars (NS) are the collapsed cores of supermassive giant stars that contain between 10 and 25 solar masses. Aside…

New Study Suggests that Our Galaxy is Crowded or Empty. Both are Equally Terrifying!

1 month ago

Is there intelligent life in the Universe? And if so, just how common is it? Or perhaps the question should…

Scientists Discover New Geological Link Between Earth and Venus

1 month ago

Venus is sometimes called Earth's sister planet because of their shared physical, geological, and atmospheric features. Scientists have discovered something…

The Moon’s Atmosphere Comes from Space Weathering

1 month ago

How do you get an atmosphere at a world that doesn't have one and can't keep one? If it's the…

How a Black Hole Could Eat a Neutron Star from the Inside Out

1 month ago

Primordial black holes are thought to have formed early in the evolution of the universe. None have been discovered yet…

If Advanced Civilizations Using Quantum Communications, Is That Why We’ve Never Seen Them?

1 month ago

Establishing communication with an alien intelligence is one of the news items I, and I’m sure many others, long to…

Elliptical Orbits Could be Essential to the Habitability of Rocky Planets

1 month ago

A seismic shift occurred in astronomy during the Scientific Revolution, beginning with 16th-century polymath Copernicus and his proposal that the…