This is What it Would Be Like to Fly Across Mars

12 months ago

Many of us have dreamed about flying over the surface of Mars—someday. The planet offers so many cool places to…

Feast Your Eyes on this Star-Forming Region, Thanks to the JWST

12 months ago

Nature is stingy with its secrets. That's why humans developed the scientific method. Without it, we'd still be ignorant and…

A Simulation Predicts Where Astronomers Should Look to Find Intermediate-mass Black Holes

12 months ago

The universe is swimming in black holes, from stellar mass to supermassive behemoths. But, there's one class that remains elusive:…

New Stars Forming Uncomfortably Close to the Milky Way’s Supermassive Black Hole

12 months ago

Astronomers examining a star cluster near Sgr A*, the Milky Way's supermassive black hole, found that the cluster has some…

A Comprehensive Blueprint for the Settlement of Mars

12 months ago

A new study considers all the challenges, benefits, and necessary steps for settling Mars.

TRAPPIST-1 Has Flares. What Does This Mean for its Planets?

12 months ago

Using spectra obtained by Webb, an international team examined three TRAPPIST-1 exoplanets during a series of flares.

More JWST Observations are Finding Fewer Early Massive Galaxies

12 months ago

Astronomers using JWST were surprised to find mature-looking galaxies in the early Universe; they challenged existing models of cosmology. Astronomers…

OSIRIS-REx Returned Carbon and Water from Asteroid Bennu

12 months ago

Carbon and water are so common on Earth that they're barely worth mentioning. But not if you're a scientist. They…

Astronomers See the Afterglow Where Two Ice Giant Planets Collided

12 months ago

What would happen if two giant planets collided? It would be terrifying to behold if it happened in our Solar…

What Would It Take to See Exoplanet Volcanoes?

12 months ago

Even with the clearest image from the best telescope in the world, astronomers still won't know what they're looking at.…