SDO’s Camilla the Rubber Chicken: Cure for a Common Phobia

12 years ago

We at Universe Today really appreciate the work that Camilla the Rubber Chicken does in her role of education and…

Do a Doubletake: Jupiter and Europa

12 years ago

Here's a recent view of Jupiter, with its moon Europa just coming into view from behind the planet, as seen…

Remembering Carl Sagan

12 years ago

Today would have been Carl Sagan’s 78th birthday, and the past few years November 9th, the anniversary of his birth,…

Book Review: About Time: Cosmology and Culture at the Twilight of the Big Bang

12 years ago

When introducing his book "About Time: Cosmology and Culture at the Twilight of the Big Bang," author Adam Frank tells…

Space for the Cost of a Movie Ticket

12 years ago

The European Space Agency (ESA) was founded by 10 European states back in 1975 with the idea that “We can…

Astronomers Find Tantalizing Hints of a Potentially Habitable Exoplanet

12 years ago

Dwarf star HD 40307 is now thought to host at least 6 exoplanet candidates... one of them well within its…

Curiosity Celebrates 90 Sols Scooping Mars and Snapping Amazing Self-Portrait with Mount Sharp

12 years ago

Image Caption: Curiosity Self Portrait with Mount Sharp at Rocknest ripple in Gale Crater. Curiosity used the Mars Hand Lens…

Want to Name an Exoplanet? Uwingu Has a Plan

12 years ago

Screenshot from the Uwingu exoplanet naming website. Astronomers have now discovered nearly 1,000 planets orbiting other stars, and right now…

Kansas Cosmosphere Vote Passes on Election Night

12 years ago

The Apollo 13 Odyssey spacecraft at the Kansas Cosmosphere. (Elizabeth Howell) As an update to our story yesterday, more than…

The Milky Way’s Black Hole Shoots Out Brightest Flare Ever

12 years ago

This false-color image shows the central region of our Milky Way Galaxy as seen by Chandra. The bright, point-like source…