Minute Physics: Why E=mc² is Incomplete

12 years ago

Here’s another great video from the folks at Minute Physics. One of the most famous equations from one of the…

Notes from an Amateur Telescope Maker’s Journal, Part 2

12 years ago

First of all, I'd like to say thank you for all the feedback on the first entry from the Amateur…

Zoom Zoom! Progress Ship Goes from Launch to Docking in 6 Hours

12 years ago

The Progress 49 cargo craft ship went from zero to 28,000 km/h in about 8 minutes -- as it usually…

Beautiful Star Cluster Looks Surprisingly Youthful

12 years ago

This view of the globular cluster NGC 6362 was captured by the Wide Field Imager attached to the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre…

Curiosity Rover Makes First X-Ray Analysis of Martian Soil

12 years ago

This graphic shows results of the first analysis of Martian soil by the Chemistry and Mineralogy (CheMin) experiment on NASA's…

From Eternity to Here: The Amazing Origin of our Species (in 90 Seconds)

12 years ago

From the initial expansion of the Big Bang to the birth of the Moon, from the timid scampering of the…

Astrophoto: Spooky Fingers Reach Out into Space

12 years ago

Dark shadows and dust in VdB 4. Credit: Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona It's the Case of the Phantom…

Space-O-Lanterns: 7 Minutes of Terror/Dragon Edition

12 years ago

Need some inspiration for carving your Halloween pumpkin? Look no further. Last year we featured some amazing feats of Halloween…

Satellites Provide 3-D Views and More of Hurricane Sandy

12 years ago

Hurricane Sandy as viewed by the TRMM Precipitation Radar at 2:20 EDT on Oct. 28, 2012. Credit: NASA Satellite imagery…

Virtual Star Party – Oct. 28, 2012: Hurricane Sandy Edition

12 years ago

Another West Coast centric edition of the Virtual Star Party. Not because of a lack of volunteers, but because while…