The Big Bang: What is it? Why study it? What happened before? How will it all end?

12 months ago

Approximately 13.8 billion years ago, the greatest event in all of existence occurred that literally created existence itself. This event…

It’s Time to Start Worrying About Space Junk Around the Moon, Too

12 months ago

Researchers look to track and mitigate the growing number of space junk objects around the Moon.

Watch OSIRIS-REx Release its Sample Capsule

12 months ago

Most of the spacecraft we send out into the Solar System are never meant to return. Time, space, and entropy…

Hundreds of Free-Floating Planets Found in the Orion Nebula

12 months ago

It appears that rogue planets – free floating worlds that aren’t gravitationally bound to a parent star – might be…

Seeing the Web Connecting Galaxies Across the Universe

12 months ago

One hundred years ago, we didn't know there was anything outside of our own galaxy, the Milky Way. Now we…

Old Stars Don't Have Hot Jupiters

12 months ago

Hot jupiters are giant planets that orbit extremely close to their stars, completing an orbit in a few days or…

Incredible New Images of the Orion Nebula From JWST

12 months ago

The Orion Nebula is one of the brightest star-forming regions in the sky, easily visible in a small telescope. But…

Perseverance Watches a Dust Devil Whirl Past

12 months ago

The Perseverance rover captured images of a dust devil on Mars, which were used to create this video.

We Don't Know Enough About the Biomedical Challenges of Deep Space Exploration

12 months ago

Although humans have flown to space for decades, the missions have primarily been in low-Earth orbit, with just a handful…

Astronomers Have Been Watching a Supernova’s Debris Cloud Expand for Decades with Hubble

12 months ago

Twenty thousand years ago, a star in the constellation Cygnus went supernova. Like all supernovae, the explosion released a staggering…