It's Official, Antimatter Falls Down in Gravity, Not Up

12 months ago

Since the discovery of antimatter decades ago, particle physicists have wondered if these particles were repulsed by gravity. Einstein predicted…

A New Planet-Hunting Instrument Has Been Installed on the Very Large Telescope

12 months ago

A new study shows how existing observatories like the ESO's Very Large Telescope (VLT) can be upgraded to perform cutting-edge…

Dark Matter Could Be Annihilating Inside White Dwarfs

12 months ago

Astronomers still don't know what dark matter is, but one of its characteristics is that it has a small "cross…

Lose Yourself in the JWST’s Exquisite Image of Barnard’s Galaxy

12 months ago

There may come a day when we grow weary of JWST images. But it's not today. Today, we can lose…

Want to Safely Watch the Sun With a Large Group? Get a Disco Ball

12 months ago

The upcoming solar eclipses and the current high sunspot activity means it’s a great time to observe the Sun. Eclipses…

Colliding Moons Might Have Created Saturn’s Rings

12 months ago

If we could wind the clock back billions of years, we'd see our Solar System the way it used to…

Is it Life, or is it Volcanoes?

12 months ago

Astronomers are working hard to understand biosignatures and how they indicate life's presence on an exoplanet. But each planet we…

If Earth is Average, We Should Find Extraterrestrial Life Within 60 Light-Years

12 months ago

A new study estimates that there could be 11,000 habitable planets within 100 parsecs of our Sun, the nearest being…

NASA Opens the Lid on OSIRIS-REx's Sample Capsule

12 months ago

NASA teams have started the intricate process of removing the samples of asteroid Bennu from their canister.

How Do Lava Worlds Become Earth-Like, Living Planets?

12 months ago

Earth was once entirely molten. Planetary scientists call this phase in a planet's evolution a magma ocean, and Earth may…